We are using the world no. 1 Spanish brand - Depilève. Depilèvewax is made with the best ingredients and highest quality products. Depilève wax performs fast and effective waxing at a low temperature whilst protecting the skin.
Our therapists are professional and experienced - choosing the most suitable option for your skin, degree of sensitivity and your needs.
Body Hair Removal Area
Face Hair Removal Area
面部及身體的幾乎任何部位都可以做蜜蠟脫毛,包括眉毛,臉,腿,手臂,背部,腹部和腳。 有許多種不同的蠟適合於去除多餘的毛髮。 我們會體貼選擇一個適合您的蜜爉,呵護你的肌膚。
Almost any area of the body can be waxed, including eyebrows, face, pubic area, legs, arms, back, abdomen and feet. There are many types of waxing suitable for removing unwanted hair. We will choose one to suit you.
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