皮秒激光儀皮秒激光比傳統激光快接近一百倍,達至一百億分之一秒計算(0.000000000001秒),短促脈衝令激光接觸皮膚時間大大縮短,有效減少創傷性, 有效擊退頑固色斑, 還能夠收細毛孔、治療凹凸洞、減淡紅印泛紅
Pico Laser (or picosecond laser), is a non-ablative laser that is mainly used for pigmentation removal, acne scars, skin rejuvenation and brightening, and tattoo removal. The ultra-short pulse is 100 times faster than traditional Q-Switch laser.
皮秒可以夠刺激母細胞產生骨膠原,令到皮膚可以回復彈性、緊致、收細毛孔, 達致嫩膚效果
Pico Laser uses pressure waves (while Traditional Laser uses heat) which eliminates the risk of damaging the skin and leaving scarring behind) The shortest "Pico" pulse duration to destroy the ink particles into smaller particles which then removed by the skin's immune system.
The treatment also has focus lens which can acheive skin rejuvenation including addressing fine lines and wrinkles, pore tightening and tone & texture of the skin, pigmentations,…
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