sMTS 幹細胞嬰兒水晶針療程
sMTS Stem Cell Needleless Soluble Microneedles Therapy Treatment

隨著年齡的增長,新陳代謝減慢,肌膚再生能力下降,皮膚黯沉無光,失去嬰兒般彈滑細潤的肌膚。sMTS幹細胞嬰兒水晶針療程擁有皮膚細胞重新技術。以無痛、無創植入的方式,開通皮膚微細管道,直接把幹細胞、PDRN、透明質酸及MS - EGF成份滲入肌膚底層。為肌膚補充水份,加強⽪膚再⽣能⼒及維持細胞健康。以達到卓越袪皺、亮麗肌膚,重拾細潤嬰兒膚質。

When we are ageing gradually, the metabolism slows down, the skin regeneration ability declines, the skin becomes dull, and the skin loses its elasticity and smoothness. sMTS Stem Cell Needleless Soluble Microneedles Therapy Treatment has skin cell regeneration technology. In a painless and non-invasive way of implantation, the micro-channels of the skin are opened, and the stem cells, PDRN, hyaluronic acid and MS-EGF ingredients can be directly penetrated into the bottom layer of the skin. Provides moisture and enhances skin regeneration and maintains cell health. In order to achieve excellent wrinkle reduction, bright skin, and regain delicate baby skin texture.

特式 Characteristics:

無痛 ● 無傷口療程 Painless and Non-invasive 

微分子物能無痛無創打開通皮膚管道,將微分子物滲入深層,適合怕痛又愛美的人。 Microscopic channels of the skin are opened !

重點抗皺, 回復緊緻彈力 Anti-wrinkle, Firming & Elasticity

透過表皮生長因子及腺苷成份,有效加快細胞代謝脫落,喚發細胞再生,達至抗皺、淡紋效果。Through the ingredients of EGF and adenosine, it can effectively speed up the metabolism and shedding of cells, arouse cell regeneration, and achieve the effect of anti-wrinkle and lightening of wrinkles.

促進膠原蛋白分泌 Stimulate Collagen & Elastins 

PDRN為嬰兒針主要成份,迅速誘導組織再生,縮短細胞的再生和傷口癒合時間,刺激膠原蛋白分泌。PDRN is the main ingredient, which rapidly induces tissue regeneration, shortens cell regeneration and wound healing time, and stimulates collagen secretion.

對抗游離基的傷害, 預防老化 Anti-oxidant & Anti-aging

Environmental factors such as UV rays and air pollution stimulate the formation of free radicals in the human body, destroy the structure of the skin, and cause oxidation reactions. Vitamins C and E, can fight free radicals, are antioxidants for the skin.

補充肌膚水份 Promote Hydration

透過微分子物打開通皮膚管道,將大分子、小分子透明質酸及維他命E等保濕成份輸送到皮膚底層細胞,有助保持水分的平衡,令皮膚豐盈彈性。Open the skin channel through micromolecular substances, and deliver hyaluronic acid and vitamin E molecules to the underlying cells of the skin, helps moisture and skin more plump and elastic.

Instant Effect after the treatment

幹細胞嬰兒針適合膚質 : 
 Skin type suitable for :

*Hypersensitive Skin 過敏肌膚
  (包括 *濕疹, 玫瑰痤艙、紅斑狼瘡症)
*Dry Skin 乾性肌膚
*Sagging Skin 缺乏彈性肌膚
*Lines&Wrinkles 細紋及皺紋
*Compromised Skin 受損肌膚

sMTS 植入技術專利如何無痛植入?
How does sMTS patented technology implant the active ingredients deep into the skin painlessly?

開通 Opening
Unique patented micromolecular technology,
Painless and non-invasive opening of skin channels

輸送 Delivery
把皮膚管道打開,能使微分子物及各種精華穿透角質層, 輸送到皮膚底層細胞。
Open the skin channels, so that micromolecules and various essences can penetrate the stratum corneum, delivered to the underlying cells of the skin.

活躍及再生 Regeneration
The essence penetrates into the bottom of the skin, activates and regenerates the surface and bottom cells of the skin, maintains cell cycle regeneration and beautifies the skin, and restores baby skin.

Cleansing Foam 

Stem Cell
Needleless Implant 



sMTS 幹細胞嬰兒水晶針療程sMTS Stem Cell Needleless Soluble Microneedles Therapy Treatment

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