Breast Care Massage Treatment


There are many lymph locations near women's breasts. If the lymph is blocked, it may cause breast problems and also affect the shape of breasts.


Breast lymphatic care can open up the acupoint lymph in the breasts to drive the toxins away quickly, and then use the exclusive manual lymphatic technique to unblock the lymph nodes under the armpit and around the breast, effectively promote the metabolic cycle of the breast, and cooperate with the breast firming soft mask to make the chest healthier and tightening

Breast Care Massage Treatment

* 以中醫的療效手法,可活血化瘀,流通胸淋巴及乳腺管,預防乳腺癌之餘,亦可治療乳腺及小葉增生
With traditional Chinese medical methodology, it can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, circulate thoracic lymph and breast ducts, prevent breast cancer, and treat cyclomastopathy and lobular hyperplasia.

* 亦能平衡及調節荷爾蒙,治療經前綜合症,能延緩更年期
Can also balance and regulate hormones, treat PMS, and delay menopause

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