GPS 雙頻無痕變層式超擊波 GPS Dual-Frequency Cross-Wave Ultrasonic Technology

針對皮膚各種肌齡問題 For various skin problems 
增加皮膚儲水功能  Increase skin moisture restoration function
增加皮膚修復功能  Increase skin repair function

Agafar Point Plus+

針對膚質 : 
Skin types suitable for :

⭕️   Aging Skin 老化肌膚

⭕️.  Dry Skin 缺水肌膚

⭕️.  Sagging Skin 鬆弛肌膚

⭕️.  Sunken Skin 凹陷欠飽滿肌膚

⭕️.  Lack of elasticity缺乏彈性肌.膚

何謂雙頻超擊波 What is Dual Frequency Cross-Wave Ultrasonic Technology

GPS雙頻超擊波技術,以每秒高達 1,000 萬次的頻率分別在 1MHz 與 3MHz 以及 3MHz 與 10MHz 之間不斷切換超聲波能量,刺激及調節細胞外基質 (ECMs)。配合2個大小 不同的治療頭,以每秒約 1,500m 的速度輸出雙頻超聲波頻至各皮層,混合聲波會於 組織中產生強烈的遞增壓力,即時達到收緊之效用,改善皮膚質素和紋理問題。

The GPS dual-frequency ultrasound technology continuously switches the ultrasonic energy between 1MHz and 3MHz and between 3MHz and 10MHz at a frequency of up to 10 million times per second to stimulate and regulate the extracellular matrix (ECMs). With 2 treatment heads of different sizes, the dual-frequency ultrasound is output to each cortex at a speed of about 1,500m per second. The mixed sound waves will generate a strong incremental pressure in the tissue, which will instantly tighten and improve skin quality and texture.

Dual Frequency Cross-Wave Ultrasonic Function

降低基質金屬蛋白酶 Control MMPS 

降低 MMPS (Matrix metalloprotenases) 基質金屬蛋白酶 於體內負責分解皮膚細胞外基質之成分,如膠原蛋白, 葡萄胺聚糖(Glycosaminoglycans),纖維網狀蛋白(Fibronectin)等,而導致細紋、皺紋之形成及皮膚鬆弛等光老化現象

While reducing the degradation of ECM (extracellular matrix) by inhibiting MMPS (matrix metalloproteinase), it stimulates
more active fibroblasts, thereby increasing collagen, elastic fibers and hyaluronic acid in the skin, it can relieve wrinkles, improve skin elasticity with anti-flammatory & anti-ageing effect

增加糖胺聚醣 Increase content of GAGs

由於GAGS (Glycosaminoglycan) 醣胺聚醣, 吸收了大量的水分,能夠形成一個可以想像成由水組成 的膠狀體的結構。同時 GAGs 的分子結構具有吸水能力,使得基質網狀結構更加有彈性, 從而提高細胞緊緻性,增強肌膚彈性。

Increase the content of GAG glycosaminoglycans in the skin, the better the moisturizing restoration ability, & forms a molecular  matrix network structure which improving cell firmness and enhancing skin elasticity. They can also modulate the content of hyaluronic acid (HA) within the skin, thereby improving the turgor and moisturization of tissue

增加熱擊蛋白 Activate HSPs

HSPs (Heat Shock Proteins) 熱擊蛋白,顧名思義,為一種身體遇熱或遇壓時就會增加的蛋白質。我們體內有多達10萬種以上的蛋白質,而HSP 能幫助修復受損細胞,協助蛋白質順利合成與分解。

HSPs are the strong stimulus for new collagen formation. They also account for correct protein folding which results in skin tightening
increase immunity and reproduction capabilities. It also helps to repair skin cells.

Dual-frequency Ultrasonic Infiltration


Cell membranes tend to prevent macromolecules, such as skincare products, from entering skin cells. Dual-frequency ultrasonic technology, through stable cavitation, can change the permeability of cell membranes and enhance the absorption of these molecules.

Six Therapeutic Effects

⬆️ 提升水分 Increase Moisturizing 

⬆️ 提升免疫力及再生力 Improve immunity and regeneration

✅ 敏感發紅適合使用 Suitable for sensitive redness skin

♻️ 強化皮膚免疫力 Strengthen skin immunity

❌ 不破壞皮膚組織 Does not damage skin tissue

✅ 治療炎症問題 Treat inflammatory problems

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